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All I need is this elephant and that other elephant shirt

Thông tin mua bán
Mã tin
500.000 VNĐ
Ngày đăng
Hết hạn
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Danh mục đăng tin
Nơi rao
Quận 1 » TP.HCM
Loại tin đăng
Họ tên
tieu y tien
Điện thoại
Địa chỉ
ho chi minh, ho chi minh
Nội dung chi tiết

Buy shirt at : All I need is this elephant and that other elephant shirt

Other link : Boomtshirts

Hearing this news, Pizarro hurriedly brought soldiers to the south. All I need is this elephant and that other elephant shirt. Upon reaching the town of Tumbes, the Spanish soldiers were told that assets such as gold and silver were scattered over the civil war. Pizarro met with the soldiers under his command, allowed them to choose, or return to Panama, or go deep into Inca. Nine soldiers returned, leaving 168 volunteers to follow Pizarro. Atahualpa's forces were then stationed in Cajamarca province. Pizarro sought to attack the Inca army.


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